Learn, Explore, Evolve
Curious about Tarot and spirituality? You’ve come to the right place, and I’m so glad you found me. I write and teach about it, and so much more: creativity, healing, life lessons – and anything else that sparks my imagination. Take a look around to learn how to keep up with me and find the next step on your learning path.

Tarot Instruction
78 cards, thousands of decks, millions of possibilities. Learn Tarot origins, meanings, symbolism, interpretations, spreads, and more through my content library, or through live classes in Houston.

Inspired Content
Expand your knowledge and get inspired! Follow my writing and updates to pique your curiosity and leap forward on your personal path. Herbalism, crystals, crafts, healing, meditation, and mysteries – join in.

Creative Services
Write with intention. Journal with purpose. Brand your small business. With the Dragonfly Charmer in your corner, you’ll find guidance to help you weave spirituality into your entire journey.